SUBJECT: Exhibits with Collaborating Partners
- Purpose
To establish the process of working with collaborating partners on exhibits in the library.
- Policy
Outside partners may display exhibits in the library with approval from the Exhibits, Art, and Signage Committee (Exhibits Committee). The committee maintains a schedule of exhibits.
- Procedures
Guidelines for Exhibits:
- Exhibits will call attention to educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities at South Dakota State University (SDSU). Emphasis will be on scholarship, education, or university activities. Displays will attempt to inform and educate the public and will not editorialize personal opinions or viewpoints. Exhibits must conform to SDSU standards of appropriate speech.
- Library exhibits must be scheduled and approved by the Exhibits Committee with final approval by the Dean of the Library.
- The Exhibits Committee may invite faculty to display their work or their students’ work, and faculty may request to host a display at the library.
- Exhibits will be considered for approval according to their content, quality, and appropriateness.
- Library collections and services displays may be given priority in order to promote library interests.
- The Exhibits Committee reserves the right to review exhibits and recommend necessary changes.
- The Exhibits Committee chairperson will screen and schedule exhibit requests and maintain an exhibits calendar. Contact information for the chairperson may be requested from the Financial Program Assistant by calling 688-5106.
- The schedule may be altered when necessary to accommodate exhibits of timely interest. No single issue, event, or project will be permitted to use all the exhibits cases at the same time.
Temporary Library Signs:
- Under normal circumstances, signs should not be taped to the library’s doors, windows, walls, support columns, or shelves unless they have been approved and posted by the library Exhibits Committee or its designee. Such temporary signs are unattractive and impede the visibility of more permanent signs.
- Related Documents
Facilities and Services website: Signage and Postings
- Responsibility
The Exhibits Committee or designee is responsible for implementation, enforcement, and ad hoc review of this policy and biennial review of procedures. The Policy and Procedures Committee is responsible for review of this document every four years. The Dean of the Library is responsible for reviewing and approval of this policy and associated revisions.
Reviewed by: Library Faculty April 4, 2018
Approved by: Dean of the Library June 27, 2022
Origination date: December 4, 1998
Revision dates: June 17, 2013; May 3, 2018; June 27, 2022