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Hilton M. Briggs Library Policies

SUBJECT: Public Computer Use

NUMBER: 10.7

  1. Purpose

To establish the appropriate use of library public computers.

  1. Policy

Priority use of public computers is given to students, faculty, and staff engaged in research or course related activities. All use of public computers is expected to be in compliance with state and federal laws and university policies. Unauthorized access to systems and accounts; unauthorized or illegal uploading or downloading of software; violation of copyright; violation of campus conduct, harassment, or civil rights policies; or tampering with public computer workstations or printers is not allowed. The library’s computers are part of a public network and there should be no expectation of privacy by those who use them.

  1. Procedures

Individuals observed using the library’s computer workstations in an unacceptable manner will be told to discontinue such use. The University Police Department, the Office of Student Affairs or other appropriate offices will be contacted if the individual fails to discontinue unacceptable computer use when told to do so or in the case of repeated occurrences.

Violations of this policy will be documented using the library Incident Report Form found in the Emergency Manual.

  1. Related Documents
  1. Responsibility

The Head of Technical Services or designee is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and annual review of procedures. The Policy and Procedures Committee is responsible for review of this document every four years. The Dean of the Library is responsible for review and approval of this policy and associated revisions.


Reviewed by: Library Faculty December 4, 2019

Approved by: Dean of the Library December 10, 2019

Origination date: August 2, 2001

Revision dates: June 28, 2006; February 22, 2010; August 24, 2015; September 9, 2015; December 10, 2019