On a computer, go to the CRCnetBASE website. You may also find the books SDSU owns in our Library Catalog.
Search for the book you want and click on it so you see the list of chapters.
You can download one chapter at a time. Click on the "Hi-Res PDF" link by the chapter you want to download.
Note that Nook Tablet models can also view the "PDF w/links" version which will also give access to to links within the text of the chapter.
Save the file using the Adobe save button
Note that not all browsers give you this option. If you do not see the buttons shown below anywhere on the screen, use a different browser. The example below is in Firefox.
Attach your Nook to your computer using a USB/mini USB cord.
Go to the Downloads Folder and find the file. You can rename the file by clicking on it, waiting a couple seconds then clicking on it again (do not double click either time). When the title is highlighted by itself, type a new name for the file.
Unlock your Nook if it prompts you to do so.
Drag and drop the file from your computer into the Nook "My Files" folder.
Eject your Kindle by right clicking on the Kindle drive then choosing Eject from the list.