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Hilton M. Briggs Library: Government Information

FDLP Logo  The Federal Depository Library Program: Keeping America Informed

Since 1813, the United States Federal Government has distributed information to the American people through a system of depository libraries. SDSU and the library have been a part of the Federal Depository Library Program since 1889.There are currently over 556,000 federally deposited documents in the Government Documents Collection at Briggs Library. Materials and reference services are available free of charge to all users of government information in accordance with Title 44 of the U.S. Code. The general public may access government information in all  formats in the library including print, microform, tangible electronic, and via the Internet.

About Government Information at SDSU

Over 125 years as a Federal Depository Library

South Dakota State University was designated as as official U.S. depository library in 1889. Hilton M. Briggs Library holds over 556,000 federal government publications in its collection. Currently, approximately 77% of the materials made available through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) are selected and received at the library. Materials are received in a variety of formats including paper and electronic (CD-ROM, DVD, disk, video, online). These items are housed on the lower level of the library and are arranged according to the Superintendent of Documents classification system (SuDoc).

Our purpose is to provide both the SDSU community and the general public with government information. The mission of the FDLP is to disseminate information from all three branches of government to participating depository libraries. Those libraries designated as depository libraries maintain federal information products and make those products freely accessible to the general public. The FDLP was established by Congress to ensure free access by the American public to its government's information. Depository libraries provide professional, local, no-fee access to government information.


U.S. Government Printing Office

Searching for Government Documents

Government Documents are filed using the SuDoc system (short for Superintendent of Documents). Rather than putting items of similar topic together, this system is organized by issuing agency.

Call #     Agency
A Agriculture
AE National Archives and Records Administration
B Broadcasting Board of Governors
C Commerce Department
CC Federal Communications Commission
CR Civil Rights Commission
D Defense Department
E Energy Department
ED Education Department
EP Environmental Protection Agency
FA Fine Arts Commission
FCA Farm Credit Administration
FHF Federal Housing Financing Board
FM Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
FR Federal Reserve System Board of Governors
FT Federal Trade Commission
FTZ Foreign-Trade Zones Board
GA Government Accountability Office
GP Government Publishing Office
GS General Services Administration
HE Health and Human Services Department
HH Housing and Urban Development Department
HS Homeland Security
I Interior Department
IC Interstate Commerce Commission
ID US Agency for International Development
ITC International Trade Commission
J Justice Department
JU Judiciary
L Labor Department
LC Library of Congress
LR National Labor Relations Board
MS Merit Systems Protection Board
NAS National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NC National Capital Planning Commission
NCU National Credit Union Administration
NF National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
NMB National Mediation Board
NS National Science Foundation
OP Overseas Private Investment Corporation
P United States Postal Service
PE Peace Corps
PM Personnel Management Office
PR President of the United States
PREX Executive Office of the President
PRVP Vice President of the United States
RR Railroad Retirement Board
S State Department
SBA Small Business Administration
SE Securities and Exchange Commission
SI Smithsonian Institution
SSA Social Security Administration
T Treasury Department
TD Transportation Department
TDA US Trade and Development Agency
VA Veterans Affairs Department
X Congress
Y Congress

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Elizabeth Fox

Elizabeth Fox

 Briggs Library 019

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Aerospace Studies; Consumer Sciences; EngineeringGovernment Information; Health & Nutritional Sciences; History, Political Science, Philosophy & Religion; School of Performing Arts; Sociology & Rural Studies

Documents Collection Policy