You can search by keyword but it is often easiest and most fruitful to use the dropdown options. As you enter choices, the surveys shown will update with each choice. Be sure to use the "Reset Search" button to start over.
You can choose how big or small an area you need data for. Note that for some data or surveys, smaller areas are not collected or reported due to privacy issues.
Different surveys are conducted at different intervals. If you need the same data over a period of time, you can choose the frequency. Note that this choice may limit the results you get. If you don't find a satisfactory survey or census, try removing this option.
Topics are very broad subject areas. See Subtopics for more specific topics.
Subtopics are still broad but more specific that "Topic". You can choose as many subtopics as you want. All subtopics will be included in the results.
I want data on the education level of adults in South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota, and I want that data for a recent year but only for one year.
Geography - I want state level data
Frequency - won't use this one, I don't care
Topics - I don't care what topic my data comes from so I'll leave this one unselected
Subtopics - I'll choose Age and Education
I end up with 9 possible surveys.
Here are my selections:
There are 9 entries that show the survey name and a description of the survey, how frequently it is conducted, the geographic levels available, the topics, and the subtopics included.
Use the descriptions to see if the survey will give you the data that you want.
The survey name is a link to either the survey (if it is a Census Bureau product) or to the agency that contracts with the Census Bureau to conduct the survey.
The American Community Survey (ACS) helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation. This survey is conducted every year.