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Research 101: Fake News

Information on the research process.

What is Fake News?

Fake news is false information or propaganda disguised as real news. Purveyors of fake news make things up, omit information that doesn’t support their position, and use outrage-producing headlines.

Satire is fake news meant to entertain, rather than deceive, but it is sometimes misinterpreted as real reporting.

Fake news can come from any media channel, but it has been particularly problematic on social media.

Identifying Fake News

Advice on how to spot fake news

Identifying Fake News Video

National Communication Association (3:35)

News Literacy

NCWC Pearsall Library (2:31)

Resources for Fact Checking

Fact-checking Web sites can help you evaluate statements and news stories. Consider the following when consulting a fact-checking Web site.

  • Is the site non-partisan?
  • Is documentation provided? Do references and original documents support analysis.
  • What's the track record? Is there a history of reliability, recognition or awards?

Following are some nonpartisan fact-checking Web sites:

Information borrowed from : Batchelor, O. (2017). Getting out the truth: The role of libraries in the fight against fake news. Reference Services Review, 45(2), 143-148.

More Information

The following guides provide more information on fake news.