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Research 101: Information Evaluation

Information on the research process.

Why Evaluate?

Ever feel like you're drowning in information? In our information-rich age, we have a wealth of information available to us from a variety of sources.

We need research skills such as information evaluation to help us use information effectively. Critically evaluating information allows us to select the most useful sources--ones that are relevant and credible.

Identifying and using quality information sources will allow you to better understand your topic and will add credibility to your analyses and conclusions.

Research Purpose

The information evaluation process will depend on the purpose for which you are using the information. When researching for an academic project or looking for information to guide an important decision, you will want to carefully scrutinize information sources. You will also want to compare sources and draw on your own knowledge in your analysis of the topic.

Getting Started

Using a search engine?

Consult Web Sources for information on evaluating Web sites.

Using a library database?

Consult Source Types for information on source types. Identifying the type of source you are using can help in evaluating the source.




Using Evaluation Criteria

Consult Using Evaluation Criteria for a method that allows you to look critically at all types of sources.