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Theatre: Theatre Research Home


Image of comedy and tragedy masks by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from PixabayWelcome to the Theatre Research Guide. The contents of this guide are intended to help you do research within the broad discipline of theatre. If you have any questions while doing your research, the librarians at Briggs Library are happy to help you. The librarian who works with the School of Performing Arts is listed to the left but any librarian will be able to help you.

Elizabeth Fox

Elizabeth Fox

 Briggs Library 019

Office Hours:
Please make an appointment using the "Meet" button below. Please make an appointment if you want to meet via Zoom.

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Aerospace Studies; Consumer Sciences; EngineeringGovernment Information; Health & Nutritional Sciences; History, Political Science, Philosophy & Religion; School of Performing Arts; Sociology & Rural Studies

Accessing Library Databases and Journals From Off Campus

We license many of our databases for use by SDSU students, faculty, and staff. To access them from off campus, you will need to log into our proxy server. When prompted to log in:

Students: Use your jacks e-mail username and password (use the whole e-mail address as the username).

Faculty/Staff: Use your campus login credentials.

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