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BADM 485: Strategic Management

Find resources related to completing case work in BADM 485.

State Level

  • Economy at a Glance
  • State Departments of Labor
    • Different states will have different information under the office of a state department of labor. South Dakota, for example, has the Department of Labor and Regulation, which includes the Labor Market Information Center.
  • FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data)
    • FRED has both state and national level data on a wide variety of economic topics.
  • Bureau of Economic Affairs (BEA) Archive
    • Search for historical information on state level using the BEA Archive. It will help you find historic GDP, personal expenditures, employment, and more doing back to 1996.
  • County Business Patterns (U.S. Census)
    • County Business Patterns (CBP) is an annual series that provides subnational economic data for establishments with paid employees by industry and employment size. This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll.

National Level

  • U.S. Census Bureau of Economic Activity
    • The Census Bureau displays current information on a variety of national economic indicators. They also have an archive of indicator data back to 2016.
  • U.S. Economy at a Glance
  • Business Trends and Outlook Survey
    • The Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS) provides insight into the state of the economy by providing timely data for key economic measures and business expectations about future conditions. By providing detailed geographic and subsector data, BTOS will provide local, state, and federal officials near real-time data for policy and decision-making including after natural disasters or during economic crises. The BTOS will also provide insight into recovery after these events.
  • Government Documents
    • Click on the link to be taken to our Government Information Guide, which offers resources and tools for searching for government documents.

Historic Information

    • Discover economic history via government documents and reports using FRASER. FRASER is a part of the Federal Reserve and holds information on a variety of historic economic topics.
  • Statistics of U.S. Businesses
    • The Census Bureau has collected various statistics back to 1988.
  • Beige Book
    • A summary and analysis of economic activity and conditions, prepared with the aid of reports from the district Federal Reserve Banks and issued by the central bank of the Federal Reserve for its policy makers before a Federal Open Market Committee meeting. Data here goes back to 1996.
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States
    • The authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States from 1878-2011.