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BADM 485: Strategic Management

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Understanding Bearish vs. Bullish Opinions

You've probably heard the terms "bearish" and "bullish" to refer to how investors see the stock market--whether prices will rise (bullish) or fall (bearish). Writers and journalists often publish opinion or even news pieces that tend to be either bearish or bullish--whether they are talking about the stock market, a specific company, or the economy more generally. It's important to recognize that the background, previous work, and even conflicts of interest may affect how a writer views a certain company or economic situation.

Ask yourself questions like these while reading:

  • Who wrote this? What do I know about them? Is there any information available about where they've worked or what they do?
  • What language are they using to describe the company, stock market, or situation? Is the language positive or negative?
  • Do they offer evidence for why they feel this way? Is that evidence credible to me?
  • Are there any other opinions I can find, whether they are similar to the one I am reading or different?