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English 277 Technical Writing for Engineering: Searching Databases Basics

Guide to the research process for the class.

Database Basics

This page introduces features available in the two major engineering databases: Engineering Village Compendex and Inspec. These databases are typically searched together as if they were one but it is helpful to remember that they are separate. If you have problems gettering good results, consider searching them separately. Many of these strategies and options are available in other databases but may look different based on the producer of the resource.  If you have questions about how to use any of the resources available on the engineering research guides, contact the librarian listed on the guide.

Engineering Research Guides

Note: On all of the Engineering Research Guides you will find the librarian's contact information and a mechanism for requesting an appointment (which can be in-person or virtual).

Database Strategies

Choose the database(s) you wish to search

Engineering village databases: All, Compendex, and Inspec

Compendex and Inspec are the two major engineering databases. Search them both together or choose just one of them.

Types of search

The search menu offers different types of searching. This image shows Quick Search, Expert Search, and Thesaurus Search


Quick Search

Quick Search bar image showing search type (quick), All fields with drop down for choosing fields to search, and search bar for entering words

You can choose which field you wish to search (e.g. author, subject) and enter your search terms.

Expert Search

Expert Search image

You are given a larger box in which to construct your search. In the expert search, you use codes to indicate which fields to search. Use parentheses, brackets, and boolean logic to put words together. You can use truncation as well.

Thesaurus Search

Thesaurus search allows the user to find subject headings. Compendex and Inspec use different thesaurii so a specific database must be chosen.

The thesaurus is a list of subject headings and their relations to each other. The two databases use different thesauri so only database thesaurus can be searched at one time. This is useful for finding subject headings.

Use the keywords you identified to build your search by creating a separate "set" for each concept.  The example below illustrates combining a variety of terms related to solar power and combining them together using "OR".  This step finds all the items that use these terms.  Then, do a new search using the terms identified for the other concept, for example parking structures.

After creating both sets (or as many as you need for the concepts in your topic), combine the sets together with "AND" to create a final set that contains sources that discuss both concepts. This is done in the Search history menu. The steps below illustrate how to combine sets. Start with the "Search history," then View all results. Check the boxes for the sets you want to combine and choose the Boolean connector AND.

Search history menu with two search results lists

Shows the two search sets, boxes for each are checked and the searches are combined with AND.

In this example, the combined search results contain 39 sources that discuss solar energy on parking structures.

Now, look at the results to see if the sources are useful.

Examine more closely some of the sources that seem the most relevant to your search by clicking on the title of the article. A few of the important areas to look at are highlighted in the example record below. The terms used in the search are highlighted in yellow.

  • The citation is outlined in light blue. It includes the article title, authors, source (i.e., journal title), volume, page numbers and year are all very important to have for citing the source.
  • The abstract is outlined in red.  The abstract gives an overall summary of the contents of the resource so you can determine if it addresses what you need.
  • Ei controlled terms and Uncontrolled terms are outlined in dark blue.  Looking at the other terms applied to the source can provide additional terms that you might want to use in further searches to focus your results.  When searching for uncontrolled terms, use the "all fields" in the Quick Search box.

Full record areas of importance

Most databases include a variety of types of sources, sometimes for many years and possibly in languages other than English.  Further refine your search by using the limiters on the left side of the screen.

Refine options in search resultsLimiters can include:

  • Add a term - allows adding in additional terms
  • Topic - shows the most common subject headings, you can add more subject headings to get fewer results.
  • Document type - SDSU does not have easy access to very many conference proceedings, so it is often helpful to limit results to journals because these will be easier to access.
  • Language - a helpful limiter if you do not read other languages besides English.
  • Year - a useful limiter to focus on the most recent information available. 

Once you've chosen your limiters, click on the "Limit to" button to search again with your refinements.

As you look through your results, you'll need to identify whether the source is available to you through the library.  Click on the SFX button as illustrated below to find out options for access.

In these examples, Find it at SDSU shows that SDSU does not subscribe to this journal, so to read this article you would need to request it through interlibrary loan.

We don't have this article so you can request it via interlibrary loan

For the second item, Find it at SDSU provides a direct link to the article.  Simply click on the "Full Text Online" link and the article should open in your browser.  When accessing resources from off-campus or to request an article through interlibrary loan, you will need to enter your SDSU user name and password (use the credentials you use to access MyState or your email).

SFX result with link to full text


  1. From the list of Research Guides above, identify the one that fits best with your engineering project.
  2. Open the Guide and choose one the the top databases listed on the Articles tab.
  3. Explore the database by searching with the keywords you identified previously.  Think about the following questions:
    1. What types of sources are included in this database?  Who appears to be the audience for these sources?
    2. Is full text of articles included or do you need to use the SFX or Find It @ SDSU button?
    3. What other keywords or subject words can you identify that will be helpful?
    4. How well do the limiters help you focus your results?
  4. Consider trying other databases listed on the guide.  What differences do you see?