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English 277 Technical Writing for Engineering: Introduction

Guide to the research process for the class.

Purpose and Introduction

This guide is intended to introduce searching strategies that go beyond the quick searching or Google searches familiar to most people.  The primary goals are to introduce resources specific to engineering research and provide strategies for searching that facilitate retrieval of the most relevant sources.

To access library databases and other resources from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter a user name and password.  Use the same credentials you use to access MyState, not the username and password you use for D2L or WebAdvisor.

Introducing the Library Website

Image of the library's webpage with links to Find a Journal, Databases A-Z underlinked and the link to Research Guides circled.

Several important places on the top of the Briggs Library home page are highlighted in red above:

  • Find a Journal - this link helps you find journals the library owns, electronically or in paper. Search by the title of the journal.
  • Databases A-Z - use this link if you know the name of the database you want to use.
  • Research Guides - this link takes you to Research Guides for a wide variety of subjects. You'll want to familiarize yourself with the appropriate engineering ones.

Scroll down the page and you will see the following additional links:

Link to Government Docuemtns

  • Government Documents - links to a guide with details about accessing federal and South Dakota documents, a valuable resource!
Image of navigation links on the Briggs Library main page
  • Ask@Briggs - Use this link for our email and chat to ask questions. 

Elizabeth Fox

Elizabeth Fox

 Briggs Library 019

Office Hours:
Please make an appointment using the "Meet" button below. Please make an appointment if you want to meet via Zoom.

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Aerospace Studies; Consumer Sciences; EngineeringGovernment Information; Health & Nutritional Sciences; History, Political Science, Philosophy & Religion; School of Performing Arts; Sociology & Rural Studies