These are the best databases we have for research in Consumer Sciences. There are more options, especially for cross-disciplinary research on the Secondary Databases tab. You can see all our databases in our Databases A to Z list.
These databases are also good for finding Consumer Sciences related topics.
This is just a sampling of the journals Briggs Library has access to in Consumer Sciences.
By setting Google Scholar up to interact with SDSU's resources, you can find whether SDSU has access to journal articles without leaving Google Scholar.
Search alerts allow you to save searches and have them run automatically with the results being sent to you periodically. Check who provides the database you use most often and follow the instructions below.
Ebsco database search alert instructions.
ProQuest database search alert instructions.
Web of Science (Clarivate) database search alert instructions.
If your database is not from Ebsco, ProQuest, or Web of Science, contact your subject librarian for help.
Are you confused about the difference between journals and magazines? No problem, here is what to look for to determine which you have.
Journals: Content is written to inform the reader.
Magazines: Content is written to entertain the reader.
Although Briggs Library has an extensive collection, you may need items that are not available at the Library. No worries! You can request those articles, books, and other materials through Interlibrary Loan.
Keep in mind that the process may take from a week to ten days. Start your research early!
Many of our databases have an Interlibrary Loan Request button for articles not available in that particular database. Before submitting the loan request, be sure to check our Journals List for the title of the source or periodical (i.e. New York Times).
For more information on Interlibrary Loan, see our ILL FAQ.