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English 201 Research Process Exercise: Using Citations

Exercise for Engl 201 students


 Help your classmates out by discovering how to locate a specific article or book.

Your goal is to learn all that you can about locating specific resources sources in the allotted time and then to teach your classmates what you’ve learned.

Explore the recommended resources and add to what you already know about finding specific resources.

Find a Book - Recommended Resource - Quick Search

Does the library have this book? If so, how would you find it?

Woyke, Elizabeth. The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry. New Press, 2014.

Find an Article - Recommended Resource - Quick Search

Does the library have this article? If so, how would you find it?

Carrier, L. Mark, et al. "Causes, Effects, and Practicalities of Everyday Multitasking." Developmental Review, vol. 35, 2015, pp. 64-78. DOI: 10.1016/j.dr.2014.12.005.

Find an Essay in a Book - Recommended Resource - Quick Search

The citation below refers to part of book. Does the library have this book?

Calka, Michelle. “Polymediation: The Relationship between Self and Media.” Beyond New Media: Discourse and Critique in a Polymediated Age, edited by Art Herbig, Andrew F. Herrmann, and Adam W. Tyma, Lexington Books, 2015, pp.15-30.