The library has access to over 100 different databases. Many of these are subject specific and concentrate on academic or scholarly sources.
Your goal is to choose one of the databases listed below, learn all that you can about using it in the allotted time, and then to teach your class mates what you've learned.
Explore the recommended resources to expand what you know about using a database.
Choose one of the following databases.
After you conduct a search, look for ways to modify the search. Can you recommend some of these to your classmates?
Reading an abstract or summary of a source can help the researcher evaluate it. Can you show your classmates how to access abstracts?
Subject terms are generated by human beings who read sources and use words from a controlled vocabulary to describe what the source is about. Using subject terms can help researchers find sources that are relevant to their research. Can you show your classmates how to find subject terms in the database?
Some resources will have full-text links. For others you will need to use the Find it @ SDSU link to determine if the library has full-text access.
Setting up an account in a database allows researchers to save searches and records and come back to them later. Can you show your classmates how to set up an account in a subject-specific database?
How do you find a subject-specfic database for a particular field?.