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Communication Studies: Interlibrary Loan

Access your Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery Account

If you need articles, books, etc., not owned by Briggs Library....
Or if you are a distance student or employee who needs Briggs Library materials shipped to your home or office....

Follow these instructions to access your Tipasa interlibrary loan account:

  • From the Briggs Library home page, select "Interlibrary Loan" at the top or on the right side of the page; or simply click here.
  • To log in, use your SDSU network (email) username and password.
  • See below for how to request materials through Tipasa.

Retrieve an electronically delivered article

When you receive email notification that your Tipasa article or loan has been delivered, read the message carefully for instructions on how to retrieve the article or where to pick up your loan. 

  • Articles in the Tipasa system are available for 5 views or 30 days, whichever comes first.
  • Be sure to save articles from Tipasa onto your computer or USB drive as soon as possible.

How do I renew my interlibrary loan books?

  • Log in to your Tipasa account.
  • Locate the appropriate request, and click "Request Renewal."

Renewing items may take several days while we wait for the lending library to respond to the request. Your due date in Tipasa will change when the renewal is granted. 

If the lending library does not grant us a renewal on the item, you will receive a RECALL notice by email.

If you have any questions, please contact the Interlibrary Loan Department:  605-688-5573 or​

Request an article through Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery Services

Requesting an article from a library database

Most library databases have an option for requesting articles that are not available as full-text in that database.

  • If you find a database record without a full-text link or PDF button, click the button labeled "Find it @ SDSU."
  • If Briggs Library has an online copy of the article, the next screen will present one or more links for "Full Text Available."
  • If the library does not have the article in print or online, click the blue link to "Request this Item" through our interlibrary loan service, Tipasa.
  • You will receive an email message when the article is delivered to your Tipasa interlibrary loan account.

Requesting an article published in a print source owned by Briggs Library

If you need an article or a book chapter from a print journal or book that Briggs Library owns, log into your Tipasa account to enter the request manually.

  • Log into Tipasa.
  • Click "Create Request." 
  • Select "Journal Title or Book Chapter" at the top.
  • Complete the form.
  • Click "Submit Request."
  • You will receive an email message when the article is delivered to your Tipasa account.

Requesting a loan or article from known citation

In Tipasa,

  • Click "Create Request."
  • Choose and complete the appropriate request form.
  • Click "Submit Request."

Typical delivery time is 1-3 days, but many articles arrive within 24 hours.

Where do I send books?

Mailing address:

H. M. Briggs Library ILL, Box 2115
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD 57007-1098