Books have an address just like your home. Like your home address, the book's address (or call number) tells you precisely where the book is located. Each portion of the call number builds on the past sections.
Call numbers begin with one to three letters. These letters are filed alphabetically.
L → LB → LC
The letters are followed by a number. This number is read as if it were on a number line.
1 → 2 → 10 → 50.25 → 500 → 500.1 → 2005
The second line often begins with a decimal and a letter. Ignore the decimal at first; the letter is filed alphabetically. This is followed by a number. The number is read as if it is a decimal after the first digit (e.g. .H56 is read H five point six)
.G8 → .H5 → .H56 → .H6 → .L5
There may be more lines to a call number. Call numbers with nothing in a line go before call numbers with something in a line.
L101 L101 L101
.G8 .G8 .G8
Y4 Y4
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