Research Data is shared to encourage collaboration between researchers, to meet funding and publisher requirements, and to enable reproducibility of research results.
Briggs Library can assist researchers with identifying repositories for sharing and archiving data, and creating metadata to describe data.
Benefits of depositing your data into a repository include:
Data in a repository should be:
There are a wide variety of discipline-specific and institutional repositories. If both are available, consider depositing in both to increase discoverability and safety of the data.
Open PRAIRIE is the SDSU institutional repository. The repository is maintained by the Briggs Library, Open PRAIRIE can used to share and archive research data from collection to publication. It provides a publicly accessible point to share data with peer reviewers and to meet funding requirements.
Box is a cloud-based content management system with collaboration, security, analytics and other features related to files and information.
Use your South Dakota State University network credentials to login to SDSU Box.
The Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCi) team at South Dakota State University, offers support for high-performance computing (HPC) and high-velocity research data transfer services within the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR).
Storage and data flow planning solution services are available to enable researchers to securely store and share data in a collaborative environment. Faculty can request multiple terabytes of space, as needed, and can utilize Globus Online, a fast and powerful file transfer service, for moving large files to and from the HPC systems.