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Data Management: Home

Information about how to organize, describe, preserve and share your research data

Electronic Resource and Scholarly Communications Librarian

Managing Data

Data Management are the activities involving accumulated data outside the use of it in the research. 

Data management is:

  • Organizing data with purposeful names in organized files /folders.
  • Using proper metadata.
  • Backing up data in multiple locations.
  • Ensuring security of confidential data.
  • Insuring the ability to collaboratively use data with other researchers.
  • Synchronizing data between workstations, computers, travel drivees, and cloud storage.
  • Maintaining a bibliography and electronic copies of relevant literature.
  • Storing and making data in a repository or archive.

Evaluate Your Data Needs


  1. What types of data will be captured and can it be reproduced if lost?
  2. How much data will be captured from beginning to end?
  3. Who controls the data and who will have access?
  4. Will the data need to be accessible long-term? Are there retention requirements?

Data Standards:

  1. Is there appropriate project and data documentation?
  2. What what file naming conventions and metadata standards will be used?
  3. What file formats will be utilized?
  4. What tools and software are needed to visualize the data?

Data Accessibility, Sharing, and Storage:

  1. Is there a designated personal responsible for data management? 
  2. What are the access and security requirements? (non-anonymized or high security risk data)
  3. Are there funder or other sharing requirements? When and how will it be shared?
  4. Where will the data be back-up? What is the storage plan?


What is Research Data

Research data management is a critical part of all stages of the research lifecycle, from conception, through generation of results, the publication of results, and curation of research data for public access,  and long term preservation.


Data Management Plan (DMP) and Tool

Your DMP should be concise, and limited to two pages while addressing any funder / award requirements.

DMP should include: 

  1. What types of data will be produced
  2. Data file standards, formats, and metadata
  3. Roles and responsibilities of the PI and team members
  4. How will data be shared and disseminated during research /award
  5. Policies for public access, archiving, storage and preservation 

Use DMP Tool to Write Your Data Management Plan

  • DMP Tool 

    DMP Tool is a free service that helps researchers and institutions create high-quality data management plans that meet funder requirements.