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Copyright: To Use or Not To Use Decision Guide

Copyright Information - Not Legal Advice

Note that the author of this guide is not an attorney and is providing only information on copyright. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice. For legal advice, please see an attorney.

Decision Guide

Is the work in the public domain (not covered under copyright due to age or other circumstance)?

Yes - Use the work legally!

No - Go to the next question.

Does your use meet the fair use guidelines (

Yes - Use the work legally!

No - Go to the next question.

Does your use meet the requirements of Section 110 of the copyright law (Title 17 U.S.C.) or the TEACH Act (

Yes - Use the work legally!

No - Go to the next question.

Does the library have a subscription to the material you want to use?

Yes - Use the work legally!

No - Go to the next question.

Is there a Creative Commons or other open license for t he work?

Yes - Use the work legally!

No - You will need to seek permission from the copyright owner(s), buy copies, revise your planned use, or seek further legal advice.


Decision Flowchart

Click on the flowchart box to find more information about that question.

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