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Copyright Guidelines

These guidelines are designed to help faculty and students use materials legally without having to understand a lot of legalese

Where to start - Librarian for Copyright

Elizabeth Fox

Elizabeth can help find resources to answer questions about copyright in general and in specific situations. If the question needs more specific information or legal advice, she can direct the questioner to the most appropriate person on campus.


University Counsel

The Office of University Counsel provides legal advice and services to the University President, officials, and employees on matters that involve or affect South Dakota State University consistent with the oversight of the South Dakota Board of Regents and its General Counsel.

Call (605)688-5248 for an appointment.

Office of Technology Transfer & Commercialization

The Office of Technology Transfer and Commercialization focuses on intellectual property with commercial value. Any discovery or invention having potential commercial value must be reported to the Office.

Call (605)688-6696
