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Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Guide: Websites

Guide to resources in civil and environmental engineering.

Using Websites for Research

Websites are great sources of information - some of it good, some of it bad. The websites listed on the subpages of this guide should give you good information but always beware of information obtained on the open web.

Why Evaluate?

Ever feel like you're drowning in information? In our information-rich age, we have a wealth of information available to us from a variety of sources.

We need research skills such as information evaluation to help us use information effectively. Critically evaluating information allows us to select the most useful sources--ones that are relevant and credible.

Identifying and using quality information sources will allow you to better understand your topic and will add credibility to your analyses and conclusions.

Using Evaluation Criteria

Applying a set of standards to information sources will help you judge their credibility and relevancy. The evaluation process will depend on the purpose for which you are using the information. If you are settling a bet with a friend about the dates the Back to the Future movies came out you may not dedicate too much time to evaluating your sources. If, however, you are researching for an academic or professional project or looking for information to guide an important decision you will want to carefully scrutinize information sources before relying on them.

Good research involves using multiple sources of information. In addition to applying the CRAAP criteria, compare the information you find with that in other sources.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Websites of Interest to All Engineering Fields

Data & Technical Reports

Construction and Project Management

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources include books, assignments, labs, illustrations, lesson plans, and many other materials designed to help you teach your class. OER are available for free and can often be modified to fit a particular use.

Elizabeth Fox

Elizabeth Fox  

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